Some websites, especially those belonging to governments and government agencies can only be accessed through Internet Explorer. To access certain websites locked to other browsers You can download Internet Explorer for Mac to relive the good old times. For example, a new website would load on another window instead of a new tab, so you would end up with tens of windows in your browsing session. The oldest version of this browser had weaknesses that people never realized because you had nothing to make comparisons with. There were no MacBooks during those days, and if you had a computer, it was definitely running the Internet Explorer browser. You may also feel nostalgic about the earlier versions of Windows and their browsers.

Since you aren't on the Windows platform, you will have to find a way to install Internet Explorer on Mac so you can conduct your browser tests. You may also want to see how a recently created website would behave on an old browser like Internet Explorer. If you're the adventurous type, you may want to know how certain websites load or behave on different browsers. Here are some reasons you might want to use Microsoft's default browser on your Mac: 1. People may wonder why anyone would consider the possibility of Internet Explorer for Mac when Safari, the default browser on MacBooks, is more than enough. Why you might want Internet Explorer on Mac